Garden Deck Opening Reception

United States

Years of fundraising have finally come to fruition: the downtown Klamath County Library is debuting our new Garden Deck at a reception on Thursday, June 16th at 5pm.

Join us for refreshments and a celebration of all the people who have made the Garden Deck possible.

The Klamath County Library Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to improving facilities at the Klamath County Libraries, started fundraising for the Deck five years ago. Funds came in from all over the community, including a generous donation from the Dorothy Collier Foundation and everyone who made the two “Great Grown-Up Spelling Bee” and auction events in 2016 and 2017 such a success. The Klamath District Garden Clubs led the landscape design for the deck, and planted the flowers.

Thank you to everyone who has made this project a reality! We look forward to hosting outdoor activities for all ages on the Deck for years to come.

For more about the Klamath County Library Foundations and other improvement projects they’ve funded at the libraries, as well as information about how you can help, call 541-882-8894 or visit 
